
  • Team Beale looks out for dorm residents during COVID-19 pandemic

    The stresses caused by COVID-19 have affected nearly every part of Beale’s community. To combat this an outpouring of support has been seen on the installation.An example of this support took place on April 18, 2020, when Beale’s Chaplain Corps and dorm leadership provided meals to the Airmen

  • Doctor's Orders

    Other than washing your hands, maintaining 6 feet of physical distance, and wearing a face covering, the most important thing that everyone can do to help stop the spread of COVID-19 is to stay informed as new information becomes available. It is vital that Airmen understand some key differences in

  • Don’t Let COVID-19 Attack Your Mental Health

    Physical distancing and isolation in conjunction with fear and anxiety about the disease can be overwhelming and cause strong emotions in people.Many services are available to Airmen who might be struggling, making sure they are mentally fit and mission ready in these trying times.

  • Your Command Team Has You Covered

    Col. Andy Clark, Commander 9th Reconnaissance Wing, is working diligently to ensure members of Recce Town receive proper PPE as soon as possible and while the type of mask does matter, the color is not nearly as important. 

  • Recce Town Airman using EOD capabilities to make PPE

    During normal operations the 9th Civil Engineer Squadron (CES) Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) flight disposes of unexploded munitions that pose a danger to Beale or the surrounding community. Senior Airman Jace Zook, 9th CES EOD technician, has found a way to use EOD Flight’s capabilities to help

  • National Public Health Week Really Resonates This Year

    National Public Health Week is the first full week of April every year. This week is a time to recognize the contributions made by public health professionals to keep the community healthy, and their services are needed now more than ever. Here at Beale, the team of public health professionals

  • Key Spouses keeping Airmen safe

    From Commissary personnel to Security Forces Defenders, the Recce Community is doing their part to keep each other safe.The Key Spouses are another group going the extra mile, they organized a program that recycles old uniforms into masks that can be used by Airmen to fight the spread of COVID-19.

  • 9th Reconnaissance Wing Ramps Up COVID-19 Preparedness Efforts

    The 9th Reconnaissance Wing continues to take additional steps to ensure Airmen are prepared to deal with the COVID-19 pandemic. Airmen from the 9th Operational Medical Readiness Squadron (OMRS) provided personal protective equipment (PPE) training to Airmen across Beale.