Sexual Assault Defined

Sexual assault is criminal conduct that falls well short of the standards America expects of its men and women in uniform and is a violation of our Air Force Core Values.

Sexual Assault is unwanted sexual contact characterized by use of force, physical threat, abuse of power, or when the victim does not or cannot consent. Examples: inappropriate touching, groping, or fondling for sexual gratification, as well as penetration, oral stimulation, sodomy, or any attempt to do these things.

Sexual Harassment is unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature when (1) submission to such conduct is explicitly or implicitly made a term or condition of employment, (2) submission to or rejection of such conduct is used as the basis for employment decisions affecting the victim, (3) such conduct has the purpose of effect of interfering with work performance or creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive working environment. 

Consent can be obtained verbally or through body language or gestures as long as they are unambiguous and ongoing. It is everyone's responsibility to be 100% certain that they have consent. A person cannot consent if they are incapacitated, for example by alcohol, drugs, or sleep deprivation. The lack of physical resistance or a verbal "no" does not constitute consent.

Reporting Options

The Air Force has instituted new avenues for reporting sexual assault in the form of Restricted and Unrestricted Reporting. Restricted Reporting allows a victim to report a Sexual Assault without triggering an investigation. It is intended to give the victim (survivor) time and control over the release of their information. Further, it also empowers the survivor to make an informed decision about participating in the criminal process. 

Service members who file an unrestricted report with SAPR may receive advocacy services and also choose to file a separate complaint with EO, or go directly to their chain of command to report the allegation. SAPR victim advocacy services do not replace the Military Equal Opportunity complaint processes.

ANG members are eligible in a federalized status. Non-federalized ANG members will follow Chief, NGB guidance.

Restricted: Confidential reporting that allows a service member, adult dependent, or a defense civilian to report a sexual assault and seek support services such as mental health, victim advocacy, and legal representation. Office of Special Investigations (OSI) and chain of command will NOT be notified.

Victims may file a Restricted Report even if (1) They disclosed the assault to their Commander of chain of command, (2) there is an ongoing OSI investigation initiated by a third party and not due to the victim's disclosure to law enforcement, (3) the OSI investigation into the assault has been closed or (4) they didn't previously make an Unrestricted Report on the same incident by signing a DD Form 2910.

NOTE: Medical Providers, other than Mental Health, are mandatory reporters in California.

Unrestricted: Reporting option for service members, adult dependents, and defense civilians to report a sexual assault and seek accountability for the reported offender. An investigation will be initiated and "need to know" individuals in the chain of command will be notified. Respect for privacy remains a priority with this option, as well.

Independent: Reporting option for someone other than a victim, such as a friend, co-worker, or mandatory reporter, to report a sexual assault.

Safe-2-Report Policy

Air Force policy guidance for commanders. Assists in protecting Service member victims of sexual assault from disciplinary action due to minor collateral misconduct directly related to the incident.
  • Collateral misconduct - conduct punishable under the UCMJ, directly related to the incident that was the basis of the sexual assault allegation, or which was discovered as a result of the investigation.

CATCH a Serial Offender Program

  • Allows survivors to anonymously submit suspect information
  • Helps the Air Force identify serial offenders
  • Available for restricted report, unrestricted report or no report at all. Your identity remains confidential.
  • suspect data is analyzed at Military Criminal Investigation HQ and compared to other entries for matches
  • To make a CATCH entry contact the Beale SARC

Contact Us

24/7 Cell: 530-634-4000

DSN: 368-4400/3339

Commercial: 530-634-4400/3339

Email: 9rw.sarc@us.af.mil

Address: 17800 B Street, Bldg 2179 Beale AFB, CA 95903


Mission Statement: Promoting a Beale AFB culture that is intolerant of sexual assault: providing meaningful prevention strategies, coordinating compassionate response protocols, and ensuring total system integrity.

Helping a Victim

As a Friend:
· Start by believing, not blaming
· Ensure physical safety; determine if emergency medical care is needed
· If recent incident, encourage him/her not to shower, eat, or dispose of clothing
· Encourage him/her to contact the SAPR hotline for a timely information and the option to report

As a Supervisor:
· You are a mandatory reporter of incidents affecting a subordinate
· Contact SARC for assistance with your reporting responsibilities
· Collect only basic information
· It is your Commander's responsibility to determine who has "need to know," so do not further disseminate without guidance
· In coordination with, and as directed by, your commander, monitor the well-being of the victim

Contact Information

The Beale Sexual Assault Prevention and Response (SAPR) office provides a 24-hour, seven-day a week response capability. Talking to SAPR staff is a smart first step that allows a victim to preserve their reporting options and gain valuable information to guide them through their decision making.

SAPR 24/7 Hotline: 530-634-4000


Sexual Assault Mandatory Reportors

All Commanders
Victim's Chain of Command
Supervisory Chain
1st Sgt
Senior Enlisted Leader
SFS Personnel
Equal Opportunity (EO)
Instructors (i.e. ALS instructors)
Civilian Law Enforcement
Off-base medical providers
Off-base Mental Health Providers are NOT mandatory reporters

Sexual Harassment Victim Services

  • Advocacy and Support
  • Chaplain Resources
  • Military Protective Orders (UR only)
  • Civilian Protective Orders (UR only)
  • Medical Care
  • Mental Health Counseling
  • Retaliation Reporting (UR only)
  • Safety Assessment
  • Victim's Counsel