Photography Requests:
Location photography - 72 hours
Studio photography - by appointments only
Graphics Requests:
Large-scale original designs - by appointments
Self-help projects - first come, first serve
Video Requests:
Productions (local only) - 10 duty days
Documentation only - 5 duty days
Priority 1: Priority Resources, Mishaps, Investigations, Alert Calls
Priority 2: Mission Essential Time critical request.
Priority 3: Routine work requests.
Priority 4: Non-mission critical products - i.e. squadron photos, retirement ceremonies, promotion ceremonies etc.
All Public Affairs Requests: or 634-8887
· News Note (Short announcement in High-Flyer oron public website)
· Online Calendar (Event posted on public website calendar)
· Photography (Historical documentation and/or event coverage in PA publication)
· Event Coverage (Story/photo for publication in newspaper, public website and social networking sites)
· News Submission (Requestor submits photos and/or article to PA for placement in High-Flyerand website)
- Hometown News Release submissions
· Public Website (Develop webpage or other feature as appropriate; add full description of request on second page)
· Media Outreach (PA distributes press release and engages local news outlets for event coverage)
· Marquee (Electronic marquees are for displaying messages of interest to a large portion of the base population.)