
  • EOD demonstrates capabilities

    The 9th CES has started an initiative to expose Airmen in their different units to EOD operations and demonstrate how the EOD team is both a unit which has a hand in installation support and war-fighting operations. This initiative is designed to improve communication across career field in CE.

  • Turf renovation begins

    Renovations on the new multipurpose field began March 12, 2018, on base.The project will feature numerous improvements, which causes the track to be closed until the scheduled completion date of June 2018.

  • Electrical infrastructure improvements: 75 years in the making

    Beale opened during World War II and a lot has changed since then. Aircraft have come and gone and so have entire services, but one thing has remained a constant, the electrical system. With the addition of new mission sets and an increased need for power the 9th Civil Engineer Squadron has begun to