"...Going to Nebraska for my first assignment was a huge change for me..." Published March 20, 2017 9th Reconnaissance Wing Public Affairs BEALE AIR FORCE BASE, Calif. -- “I joined the Air Force from Hawaii and basic training was the first time I had left the island. Then going to Nebraska for my first assignment was a huge change for me as an island girl. I come from a family with a lot of people that have served in the military, and I grew up around the hospitality industry so those were major reasons why I joined, and why I went into services. My sister has served in the Coast Guard for the last 14 years, and she is definitely a big inspiration and role model for me in the military. Her and my mom are a very important support system and I look to them a lot for guidance.”Staff Sgt. Tamra Baity, 9th Force Support Squadron storeroom non-commissioned officer in chargeHometown: Hilo, Hawaii