"...You have to learn to fight those demons that tell you to quit..." Published Nov. 12, 2015 By Robert Scott 9th Reconnaissance Wing Public Affairs BEALE AIR FORCE BASE, Calif. -- "It's easy to make excuses and talk yourself out of getting through difficult situations. You have to learn to fight those demons that tell you to quit. With that in mind, I qualified for the 2016 Ironman World Championship next October in Kailua-Kona, Hawaii. If you think about the big picture, an Ironman seems overwhelming and impossible. But if you break it down into checkpoints, then you can work your way through. It's a mentality you have to practice in your workouts. If you aren't prepared to push yourself through pain and adversity, then when that moment comes to quit, you will." Capt. Brett, 12th Reconnaissance Squadron Hometown: Warren, PA Everyone has a story...we dare you to tell yours. To see more Faces of Beale.