Leadership at all levels Published July 17, 2012 By Airman 1st Class Sara Hanlon 9th Operations Support Squadron BEALE AIR FORCE BASE, Calif., -- The factors which differentiate a proficient leader from a superb leader among their peers can be illustrated by their ability to recognize the significance of inspiration as well as their aptitude for capitalizing on the power found in cultivating the aspirations of their fellow wingmen. Exceptional leadership is applied through pushing past the ordinary daily duties and drawing out a desire to excel in the workplace as both an individual and a team. This responsibility falls onto more than the senior NCO and NCO tiers and should be seen on an individual basis from each Airman. Regardless of rank, every Airman has the capacity to make a difference in the attitude and efficiency of their duty section. At all levels, whether you are the new Airman inspiring his supervisor with a strong desire to learn their craft, or the NCO who pushes and encourages their peers to continue their professional and personal development, each person plays a role in leadership and morale. Putting forth a positive outlook and best effort is a duty owed not just to oneself, but also to peers. Aiming for anything less would be to sacrifice individual potential and influence amongst ones' peers. Taking pride in what you do and demonstrating through example how rewarding going the extra mile can be makes a big difference in group confidence. President Dwight D. Eisenhower once described leadership as, "The art of getting someone else to do something you want done because he wants to do it." He categorized leadership as an art. This is the most appropriate of definitions, as great leadership is a refined skill. It begins within each member doing their tasks well and then helping their fellow Airmen to succeed in their own responsibilities. Welcoming the newest team members with more than words but action in demonstrating they can depend on you to help them achieve the highest standard. Each of us has pledged to live up to the Core Values of the Air Force. To justly live up to them, one must always be striving to improve. That drive for excellence and the dedication to the mission can be found through conversing with anyone who has made the commitment to the Air Force. It's what aids in distinguishing us as the world's greatest air power. In order to preserve and maintain the highest quality and standard for the Air Force it is as critical to remain motivated as it is to remain flexible. As it is often heard recited through some of the most challenging days in the workplace, "Flexibility is the key to air power." I implore and challenge each of my fellow Airmen, through the longest exercise or the toughest days not to lose their drive and for each airman to lend a positive motivating position. This way when one is having trouble finding motivation on their own, they will be easily lifted by their peers.