B.I.G. initiative brings people together to make improvements Published Aug. 16, 2016 By Staff Sgt. Jeffrey Schultze 9th Reconaissance Wing Public Affairs BEALE AIR FORCE BASE, California -- Beale’s “Rising 6” created a new medium for Airmen to collaborate on quality of life projects throughout the installation on Aug. 16, 2016. The new program is known as the Beale Improvement Group, or B.I.G., and is designed to help facilitate conversations on base regarding improving the installation and is meant to bridge communication between members of Team Beale. According to Staff Sgt. Rachelle Lang, 9th Physiological Support Squadron training manager and lead for the project, the new SharePoint webpage will function as a message board that will allow anyone on Beale with access to the SharePoint website to post questions, concerns or improvement ideas. They will also be able to post responses to others posts. The project is led by the base enlisted group “Rising 6” and facilitates the Beale populace in submitting suggestions, concerns, and comments to appropriate points of contact. In turn those POC’s will offer accurate and timely answers to questions as well as pass along improvement ideas to the best channels. “The idea is for this to be an open forum that allows people to have their concerns and ideas heard by the right people and to take action when appropriate,” Lang said. The project is now live on the Beale SharePoint website and offers multiple categories for discussion that run the gamut of Air Force life. “Rising 6” and Beale leadership are hoping this new program bridges communication between Airmen and their families on base in terms of process improvement, problem solving and information dissemination on issues that are on people’s minds. “An important aspect of the site is that an individual will have the option to post their thoughts anonymously,” Lang said. “We want Airmen to feel empowered to offer their improvement ideas, and also not be intimidated to ask questions.” Whether your issue is big or small, the message board will help illuminate areas of improvement and encourage well-informed and timely responses. “We want to create a space that encourages an open dialogue between people on Beale on a host of issues, and we think the B.I.G Project can be that.” Lang said. To participate in “The B.I.G Project” you need access to the Beale NIPR network and follow the link below. For more information about the B.I.G Initiative.