Dragon's Lair Dining Facility Published Jan. 7, 2022 By James Buck 9th Force Support Squadron BEALE AIR FORCE BASE, Calif. -- Team Beale’s 9th Force Support Squadron (FSS) is excited to announce the expansion of food and beverage operations with the opening of the Dragon’s Lair Food, Life, You-FLY flight line kiosk located in Bldg. 1080, on Dec. 15, 2021. Beale partnered with multiple agencies across the Air Force and installation, namely, the Air Force Services Center (AFSVC), Food and Beverage Division, the Air Force Civil Engineering Center (AFCEC), the A4/7 Directorate, the 9th Civil Engineering Squadron (CE), and the 9th Contracting Squadron (CS) in January 2021, to develop this new concept of bringing food closer to the flight line complex where a majority of hungry customers work. “Beale is excited to continue to exceed our customers’ expectations and increase food and beverage offerings across the installation”, said Mr. James Buck, 9th FSS deputy to the commander. “This has been a labor of love and huge support across the wing from CE, CONS, COMM, and my entire FSS team and of course AFSVC and AFIMSC back in San Antonio.” Buck continued, the facility will be open Monday through Friday from 6 a.m. to 8 p.m. The Dragon’s Lair and Contrails Dining Facility are open to any and all customers who have base access and provide a sense of community with customer friendly programs. “Food 2.0 continues to update weekly menus, expanding more and including a wider variety of healthier food options that will also include plant-based, vegetarian, and vegan selections,” Buck said. “It is our pleasure to finally bring this vision to operational reality as we continue to expand healthier options to all of our customers.” “The Air Force is the only branch of the service uniquely structured under Air Force Installation Mission Support Center (AFIMSC) to deliver Food 2.0, as both [Appropriated Funds] and [Non-Appropriated Funds] food and beverage operations are managed and supported from the same organization – AFSVC”, said Mr. James Krueger, Air Force Food and Beverage Policy chief. “The Air Force is the only branch of service to offer an ala carte style of service, allowing the individual member to simply select only what they desire.” As of December 2021, Beale’s new Dragon’s Lair Food, Life, You-FLY flight line kiosk is the 13th operational kiosk in the Air Force providing expanded and greater access to all customers across the installation. Check out all of the food & beverage offerings Beale has available with weekly menus and hours of operation at http://www.bealefss.com/dining/ and details at: https://usafdining-beale.catertrax.com/index.asp?&intOrderID=&intCustomerID