Beale hosts post-blast training with FBI and local law enforcement Published May 10, 2021 By Airman 1st Class Jason W. Cochran 9RW/PA BEALE AIR FORCE BASE, Calif. -- The 9th Civil Engineer Squadron Explosive Ordnance Disposal flight hosted a training event with the FBI and several local law enforcement agencies May 5, 2021, at Beale Air Force Base, California. “The training was a very high level coverage of explosives, what they do and more importantly how we would cover a scene if a vehicle was detonated,” said Special Agent Lee Witkowski, FBI bomb technician team leader. “This includes how we would collect evidence, the things we need to think about on approach to the scene and how bomb technicians would work alongside CSI.” The intercooperation between each participating agency allowed everyone a first-hand opportunity to share and learn different techniques, which they can use to modify or improve their agency procedures. Law enforcement, the military and other public servants are all working toward the same goal, said Witkowski. Being able to hold training events like this allows everyone involved to get better at working towards that goal. “There were a lot of dedicated people out there, in law enforcement and the military trying to perfect their craft,” said Witkowski. “They all want to get better at what they do. They want to take what they’re learning and make this a better country, world and community.”