HPCON B+ Declaration

  • Published
  • By Master Sgt. Lakisha Croley, 9th Reconnaisance Wing
  • 9th Reconnaissance Wing

9 RW Commander Declaration of HPCON B+

The 9 RW Commander has directed Health Protection Condition (HPCON) Bravo with some additional measures from HPCON Charlie (HPCON “B+”) in response to COVID-19. Changes are highlighted; 

  • Strict hygiene measures (No hand-shaking, wipe common-use items)
  • Single entry control point and increased screening of patients at the 9th Medical Group
  • Social Distancing (Limit meetings, socials and mass gatherings)
    • Reduction of in-person meetings to 6 personnel or less, or VTC or dial in
    • Cancellation of visits by outside personnel
    • Cancellation of non-mission critical TDYs
  • Implementation of telework for telework-ready personnel IAW Office of the Under Secretary of Defense’s civilian personnel guidance
  • Prior to travel, review all COVID-19 Travel Alerts via websites below
  • If exposed, communicate symptoms or questions to 9 OMRS/Public Health Flight at 530-634-4945 (DSN: 368)


9 RW implementation of DoD Stop-Movement Guidance for Domestic PCS, TDY, and Leave, which is effective 16 March through 11 May 2020 and applies to DoD military and civilian personnel and their families on Beale AFB.

  • PCS movement is halted.
  • No new domestic TDY. Members on TDY orders are cleared to return back to Beale AFB
  • No non-local leave.
    • Local leave is in accordance w/ AFI and 9 RW, i.e. no mileage restrictions, but member should be within 8 hours drive. Commander’s discretion applies.
  • Members on non-local leave are directed to return back to base. Members should work with supervision to ensure a safe return


HPCON B+ measures are mandatory for Beale AFB service members and are highly encouraged for DoD civilian and contractor employees, and family members. These measures are required to ensure the health and safety for Recce Town service members, civilians and families.

Remain informed of COVID-19 symptoms and immediately contact the Public Health Flight at (530) 634-4945 [DSN 368] if you develop those symptoms, have been in close contact with a person known to have COVID-19, or have recently traveled from a CDC Travel Health Notice Level 2 or 3 country.

Implementation of additional measures from a higher HPCON will enhance Beale AFB’s COVID-19 response.  It does not, however, constitute a higher HCPON.  Expect updates to HPCON and additional guidance via Public Affairs & Beale Command Post (BCP).