9th CES moves into new home Published Oct. 19, 2017 By Senior Airman Justin Parsons 9th Reconnaissance Wing Public Affairs BEALE AIR FORCE BASE, Calif. -- The 9th Civil Engineer Squadron held a ribbon cutting ceremony Oct. 17, 2017, here to commemorate the grand opening of their new building. The new facility cost approximately 19 million dollars and with 43,000 square feet and can accommodate 200 employees. In January 2013, a structural fire destroyed their entire building forcing the squadron to move into smaller offices and trailers. This marks the first time in more than three years that the squadron has had a building to call home. "This was an important moment for us," said 2nd Lt. Oliver Carter, 9th CES product programmer. "We're a family and we've needed a place to call home." Calvin Hendrix, 9th CES deputy squadron commander, said with 75 million dollars in projects this year alone, having everyone in one location again allows for more streamlined process and great productivity. “We're executing more work than the base has ever seen," said Hendrix. “Working together in the same building will eliminate many of the issues we faced while we were dislocated." Hendrix wanted to stress the most important aspect of this new building is how it will strengthen bonds within the 9th CES. "When we're all together we're one team and camaraderie is boosted, efficiency increases and we stand as a crew," said Hendrix.