Enlisted pilots complete check ride Published Aug. 19, 2017 By Airman 1st Class Tristan D. Viglianco 9th Reconnaissance Wing Public Affairs BEALE AIR FORCE BASE, Calif. -- The first group of enlisted pilots recently completed their initial check rides in the basic qualification training for the RQ-4 Global Hawk. The check ride allows students to demonstrate everything they have learned in BQT so far, including flying under normal conditions, usage of checklists, and proper response to emergencies. “The purpose of the check ride is to validate the training we have received and make sure we have retained the skills needed to perform as an RQ-4 pilot,” said Master Sgt. Michael, 12th Reconnaissance Squadron student pilot. “After the check ride we will go on to another phase known as mission qualification training.” According to Master Sgt. Michael, pilots in MQT will learn more about the actual mission requirements of the RQ-4 and how to conduct high-altitude intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance. MQT is scheduled to be completed in October and upon graduation the enlisted students will move from the training environment into an operational unit alongside their officer counterparts. "The enlisted student pilots are performing to the same level of proficiency as officer graduates from Undergraduate RPA Training at Joint Base San Antonio-Randolph,” said Major Michael, 1st Reconnaissance Squadron director of operations. “I have no doubt they will leave the 1st RS able to accomplish world-wide high altitude ISR operations.”