548th Operations Support Squadron

The 548th Operations Support Squadron “Warhawks” is responsible for mission management, operational training, weapons and tactics, fusion operations, and plans. The men and women of the OSS coordinate scheduling, training, planning, and assessments for the more than 700 mission-ready crewmembers of the site, supporting near-real time exploitation and analysis of signals and imagery derived from data across seven combatant commands from U-2, RQ-4, MQ-1, and MQ-9 platforms, as well as other theater, national and commercial systems.

"To enable and enhance the DCGS enterprise’s ability to deliver combat power through intelligence.”

Personnel and Resources
The squadron consists of more than 180 members, including officer, enlisted, activated Guard/Reserve, civilians, and contractors and spanning more than 7 Air Force Specialties.

The 548th is organized into seven flights: Training Flight (OST), Weapons and Tactics Flight (OSK), Fusion Flight (OSO), Mission Management Flight (OSM), Mission Planning Flight (OSP), Standardization/Evaluation Flight (OSV), and Plans Flight (OSX).