The 38th Intelligence Squadron (IS) is a Classic Associate Unit designed to provide a cadre of multi-disciplined, combat mission-ready Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance (ISR) professionals to the Distributed Common Ground System (DCGS). Squadron personnel conduct tactical, operational level Intelligence Operations providing near-real time Intelligence fused from multiple platforms, and intelligence disciplines for mission execution. Additionally, our personnel perform multi-sensor Threat Warning collection and dissemination during wartime and contingency operations. The 38th Intelligence Squadron is subordinate to the 655th ISR Group at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio, and is a Total Force Integration member unit of the 548th ISR Group at Beale AFB, California.
Lt Col Robert Garcia
Parent Command
Air Force Reserve Command (10th Air Force)
Supported Commands
Air Combat Command (25th Air Force), 480th ISR Wing, 548th ISR Group/DGS-2 (Beale AFB, CA)
Mission Platform
DCGS (AN/GSQ-272) Sentinel Weapon System is an ISR weapon system whose core mission is to receive, process, and analyze raw data derived from various airborne ISR platforms such as the U-2 Dragon Lady, RQ-4 Global Hawk, MQ-9 Reaper, MQ-1 Predator, and MC-12 Liberty platforms. Once information analysis is complete, 38 IS analysts disseminate finished intelligence products to their supported organizations. Additionally, all-source analysts fuse intelligence derived from its organic ISR platforms with intelligence derived from sources throughout the Intelligence Community, resulting in higher confidence reporting. The Air Force DCGS consists of numerous active duty, Air National Guard, Air Force Reserve, and national mission-partner sites interconnected by the Global Information Grid.
The 38 IS consists of 79 reserve personnel positions, spanning 11 Air Force specialties, who are responsible for supporting the operations of more than $1.2 billion dollars worth of equipment. Of these 79 Airmen, the 38 IS has 20 Air Reserve Technicians (ART) that are employed in a full-time capacity. These assigned ARTs focus primarily on Organize, Train, and Equip (OT&E) responsibilities in support of our dedicated 60 Traditional Reservists who individually perform an average of 55-65 days of military service per year.
Unit History
The 38 IS traces its lineage to the 38th Photo Lab, which was activated on 02 September 1945, as part of the 458th Bombardment Group, Very Heavy, at March Field, California, during the Pacific Campaign of World War II. The 38th Intelligence Squadron was activated 15 September 2013, at DGS-2, Beale AFB, California, where it achieved Initial Operating Capability on 22 May 2014, and Full Operating Capability on 30 July 2015.
Subsisto Acer – Stay Sharp!
Current as of May 2016