MISSION:Provide commanders and other Team Beale leaders with essential legal tools, training and support--creating a well-equipped, disciplined force, enabling the wing to provide America with the world's finest High Altitude Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance capabilities.
The office of the Staff Judge Advocate, at 17801 Warren Shingle Road, provides several important services to active duty service members, retirees and their dependents. Licensed attorneys are available for advice and consultation on personal civil legal matters (issues implicating the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act, landlord-tenant issues, divorce, custody, consumer issues, leases, residency and many other topics). The legal office also offers assistance in the preparation of legal documents and instruments such as wills and powers of attorney, in addition to state and federal income tax preparation. There are helpful preventive law brochures available in the lobby and online to provide guidance on domestic relations, consumer law and many other legal topics.
The Air Force Legal Assistance Website is a useful tool to find information on common legal issues and to help significantly reduce client wait time for the drafting of wills and other documents. The website is located at: https://aflegalassistance.law.af.mil/
Clients can access online questionnaires for wills, living wills and powers of attorney. After completing the online worksheet, the website provides each client a unique "ticket number." Data entered by clients are secure and may be accessed only after a client provides his or her ticket numbers to legal office personnel.
· For wills, call in your ticket number in advance of your scheduled appointment day.
· For other documents, simply walk in with your ticket number to the front desk.
Clients can also find basic information and short papers on common legal assistance topics, such as family law or consumer law issues. It also contains links to other helpful sites. Just go to the Air Force Legal Assistance website and click "Legal Assistance Topics."
We want to ensure we are providing TOP NOTCH SERVICE. Following a visit to the legal office, clients are encouraged to provide feedback concerning the professionalism and helpfulness of our legal staff. From the AF Legal Assistance website, click "Online Survey" and select the Beale (Base Level) Legal Office.
Powers of Attorney and Notary Services: Notary services and drafting of Special/Limited and General Powers of Attorney are on a walk-in basis, available anytime between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m., Monday - Thursday and 9 a.m. and 12 p.m. on Friday
Wills and Advance Medical Directives (includes Living Wills and Medical Powers of Attorney): Wills and Advance Medical Directives will be BY APPOINTMENT ONLY. Appointments are available Tuesday - Thursday and can be made by calling the main legal office at 634-2928. We offer same day signing ceremonies for wills.
Claims for lost or damaged household goods, privately owned vehicles shipped at government expense and theft or vandalism of private property located on the installation may be filed online, 24-hours a day through the Air Force Claims Service Center at:https://claims.jag.af.mil/. Questions and/or assistance can be directed to our local claims assistant by calling 634-3029. Every other Tuesday, at the Right Start Briefing, the legal office provides useful instructions on how to process your claim.
Two important things to keep in mind for household goods claims: noting the damage on the DD Form 1840/1840R (pink forms) and turning in the DD Form 1840/1840R to the online claims service center within 70 days of delivery. First, it is important to note the damages or loss on the DD Form 1840 at the time of delivery and unpacking. If loss or damage is discovered at a later date, annotate the specified damage on the reverse side of the DD Form 1840 (DD Form 1840R) and submit the DD Form 1840 and 1840R to the online claims service center within 70 days from the date of delivery. Failure to note damage/loss or to deliver the forms within 70 days from the date of delivery may have adverse effects on your claim. Although claimants have two years from the date of delivery to file a claim for loss or damage, it is not recommended to wait until the statute of limitations are about to expire to file a claim.
The tax center, located in bldg. 2529, next to the contracting office, on the corner of B Street and Doolittle Road. The office provides free state and federal tax return preparation and filing. This service is normally offered from February through April 15, but it is expanded for returning deploying members and their families. For more information, contact the tax center at 634-5536.