Beale AFB Speaker's Bureau

General Info

Official public appearances and speeches by Air Force people, military or civilian, constitute essential parts of the Beale AFB speaker's bureau to keep the public informed. Individual members of the Air Force at all levels should make every effort to fill request unless overriding or previous official commitment precludes acceptance.

Speaker requests vary widely, ranging from the novice audience to the military savvy. Our goal is to pair the ideal speaker with the event.

Subjects areas commonly covered by the Speaker's Bureau:

The Beale AFB speaker's Bureau is composed of Airmen of all ranks and from all career fields who volunteer their time to speak in the community. Most requests for speakers come from area schools and civic organizations. Our speakers Bureau can be a valuable resource for your club or organization to learn more about Beale and the people who perform it's mission.

Topic examples:

--Beale AFB specific missions (i.e., U-2/TU02S Dragon Lady, RQ-4 Global Hawk, Mc-12 Liberty, PAVE PAWS radar system)
--History (Air force, Beale AFB history)
--Air Force education and careers (i.e., AF Academy, ROTC, Civil Service opportunities, aviation careers, IT and communication, medical and law enforcement professions)
--Military life (i.e., deployments, working spouses, military families)
--Military diversity (i.e. women in the Air Force)