CHIEF MASTER SERGEANT RANDY KWIATKOWSKI Chief Master Sergeant Randy Kwiatkowski is the Command Chief Master Sergeant for the 9th Reconnaissance Wing, which provides the nation's command authorities with high-altitude intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance capabilities and combat support forces for national and theater contingencies. He is the principal senior enlisted advisor to the wing commander on all issues regarding the health, morale, welfare, discipline, and readiness of 7,000 military, civilian, and contractor personnel. Chief Kwiatkowski enlisted in the Air Force in 1993. His multiple assignments and deployments took him to Tinker Air Force Base, Oklahoma; Prince Sultan Air Base, Saudi Arabia; Incirlik Air Base, Turkey; Howard Air Force Base, Panama; Thumrait Air Base, Oman; Chievres Air Base, Belgium; the United States Air Force Academy, Colorado; Cannon Air Force Base, New Mexico, and Osan Air Base, Republic of Korea. He has served on multiple deployments spanning operations PROVIDE COMFORT II, NORTHERN WATCH, SOUTHERN WATCH and UNIFIED RESPONSE. EDUCATION 1993 Basic Military Training, Lackland AFB, Texas 1997 Airman Leadership School, Tinker AFB, Oklahoma 2004 Federal Aviation Administration / Aircraft Dispatch School, Queens, New York 2005 Military Training Instructor School (AMT Course), Lackland AFB, Texas 2006 Noncommissioned Officers Academy, Peterson AFB, Colorado 2007 Senior Enlisted Joint Professional Military Education (by correspondence) 2007 Principles of Instruction Course, USAFA, Colorado 2007 Senior Noncommissioned Officers Academy (by correspondence) 2008 Associates in Applied Science, Aviation Management 2008 Associates in Applied Science, Education and Training Management 2010 Coast Guard Chief Petty Officers Academy, TRACEN-Petaluma, California 2011 Joint Special Operations Forces Senior Enlisted Academy, MacDill AFB, Florida 2014 Chief Leadership Course (by correspondence) ASSIGNMENTS 1. 1994 - 1999 964th Airborne Air Control Squadron, Aviation Resource Manager, Tinker AFB, Oklahoma 2. 1999 - 2001 552 Air Control Wing, Training NCOIC, Tinker AFB, Oklahoma 3. 2001 - 2002 Detachment 1, 86th Operations Group, Current Operations, Chievres AB, Belgium 4. 2002 - 2005 309th Airlift Squadron, Current Operations, Chievres AB, Belgium 5. 2005 - 2009 USAFA, Cadet Squadron Eight, Academy Military Training NCO, Colorado Springs, Colorado 6. 2009 - 2009 USAFA, Cadet Wing, Acting First Sergeant, Colorado Springs, Colorado 7. 2009 - 2010 73rd Special Operations Squadron, Flight Chief, Cannon AFB, New Mexico 8. 2010 - 2011 27th Special Operations Support Squadron, HARM Superintendent, Cannon AFB, New Mexico 9. 2011 - 2012 27th Special Operations Support Squadron, Superintendent, Cannon AFB, New Mexico 10. 2012 - 2013 51st Operations Support Squadron, HARM Superintendent, Osan AB, Republic of Korea 11. 2013 - 2013 51st Operations Support Squadron, Superintendent, Osan AB, Republic of Korea 12. 2013 - 2014 51st Operations Group, Superintendent, Osan AB, Republic of Korea 13. 2014-Present Command Chief Master Sergeant, 9th Reconnaissance Wing, CA MAJOR AWARDS AND DECORATIONS Air Force Meritorious Service Medal with one oak leaf cluster Air Force Commendation Medal with two oak leaf clusters Air Force Achievement Medal with four oak leaf clusters Combat Readiness Medal with five oak leaf clusters Air Force Good Conduct Medal with five oak leaf clusters National Defense Service Medal with one bronze star Armed Forces Expeditionary Medal Southwest Asia Service Medal with one bronze star Global War on Terrorism Service Medal Korea Defense Service Medal Armed Forces Service Medal Humanitarian Service medal with two bronze stars Military Outstanding Volunteer Service Medal Air and Space Campaign Medal 1998 552nd Operations Group, Aviation Resource Manager of the Year, Tinker AFB, Oklahoma 1999 552nd Operations Group Aviation Resource Manager of the Year, Tinker AFB, Oklahoma 2002 USAFE, Aviation Resource Management NCO of the Year, Ramstein AB, Germany 2004 USAFE, Outstanding Young Leader of the Year Award, Ramstein AB, Germany 2004 Distinguished Graduate, Federal Aviation Administration/Aircraft Dispatch School, Queens, NY 2005 Distinguished Graduate, Military Training Instructor School (AMT), Lackland AFB, Texas 2006 John L. Levitow Award, NCO Academy, Peterson AFB, Colorado 2006 USAFA, NCO of the Year, United States Air Force Academy, Colorado 2007 USAFA, Outstanding Squadron of the Year, United States Air Force Academy, Colorado 2007 USAFA, Lance P. Sijan Leadership Award, United States Air Force Academy, Colorado 2007 USAFA, SNCO of the Year, United States Air Force Academy, Colorado 2009 USAFA, SMSgt William H. Coltrin Leadership Award, USAFA, Colorado 2010 Headquarters Air Force, 1C0X2 SNCO of the Year, Cannon AFB, New Mexico 2010 Headquarters Air Force, 1C0X2 TSgt Dee Campbell Large Team of the Year, Cannon AFB, New Mexico 2011 Distinguished Graduate, Joint Special Operations Forces SNCO Academy, MacDill AFB, Florida 2011 Headquarters Air Force, 1C0X2 TSgt Dee Campbell Large Team of the Year, Cannon AFB, New Mexico 2012 Headquarters Air Force, 1C0X2 TSgt Dee Campbell Small Team of the Year, Osan AB, Republic of Korea EFFECTIVE DATES OF PROMOTION Chief Master Sergeant 1 Dec 2013 (Current as of: 30 Jan 2015)