WEBVTT 00:04.739 --> 00:06.961 The CCAF , the Community College of the 00:06.961 --> 00:09.729 United States Air Force is a regionally 00:09.739 --> 00:11.739 accredited institution . So the Air 00:11.739 --> 00:13.961 Force is unique in the fact that it has 00:13.961 --> 00:15.906 its own community college awarding 00:15.906 --> 00:18.090 degree based on military training and 00:18.100 --> 00:20.044 uh a combination of those training 00:20.044 --> 00:22.329 credits with college level coursework . 00:22.909 --> 00:25.120 The CCF degree is an associate of 00:25.129 --> 00:27.296 applied Science that uses some of that 00:27.296 --> 00:29.129 technical skill to help award an 00:29.129 --> 00:31.750 academic degree . So folks think that 00:31.760 --> 00:33.927 it'll help with their E PBS and that's 00:33.927 --> 00:36.610 absolutely true . But outside of just 00:36.619 --> 00:38.730 the military context , it holds a lot 00:38.730 --> 00:40.841 of value for their career progression 00:40.841 --> 00:43.063 later . So for example , when folks are 00:43.069 --> 00:45.090 separating or retiring and they're 00:45.099 --> 00:47.155 applying to certain jobs , a minimum 00:47.155 --> 00:49.377 criteria may be awarded degree and that 00:49.377 --> 00:52.060 CCAF checks that box , the CCF is 00:52.069 --> 00:55.540 awarding military college credit based 00:55.549 --> 00:57.660 on the formal training you do at your 00:57.660 --> 01:01.430 tech school during BMT doing PM ES and 01:01.439 --> 01:03.383 upgrade training . So all of those 01:03.383 --> 01:05.439 things are giving you college credit 01:05.439 --> 01:07.439 for a lot of people . They may only 01:07.439 --> 01:09.272 need to complete the five gen ed 01:09.272 --> 01:11.439 requirements . That's speech English , 01:11.439 --> 01:14.129 math , social Science and to get their 01:14.139 --> 01:16.589 CCAF degree awarded . And we have a lot 01:16.599 --> 01:19.010 of folks who wait and they don't 01:19.019 --> 01:21.849 complete it right away who are super 01:21.860 --> 01:24.027 close to being done if they would just 01:24.027 --> 01:25.910 take those five as tests at our 01:25.919 --> 01:27.919 National Test Center here at the Ed 01:27.919 --> 01:29.919 Center or take five college classes 01:29.919 --> 01:32.086 funded by T A completely free . No out 01:32.086 --> 01:34.252 of pocket . There's a lot of easy ways 01:34.252 --> 01:36.419 to get your CCAF done . They just need 01:36.419 --> 01:37.830 to come to us and get the ball rolling .